Early Warning & Alert Systems


Use of SDSS and MCDA to prepare for disasters or plan for multiple hazards
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News & Events

The most recent news, events and press releases on DECATASTROPHIZE project.

01. DECAT Leaflet

Download DECATASTROPHIZE leaflet

02. Kickoff Meeting

Minutes of the Kick-Off Meeting of DECATASTROPHIZE project Wednesday and Thursday, 10th to 11th February, 2016 Cyprus University of Technology Limassol –Cyprus

03. Agenda

DECATASTROPHIZE kick-off meeting 10th to 11th February, 2016 Crown Plaza, Limassol, Cyprus

04. Invitation – Webinar

Webinar for the newly developed multi-hazard DECAT platform that uses geo-spatial early warning decision support systems (GE-DSS) to assess, prepare and respond to multiple hazards, disasters and environmental incidents.Tuesday, November 7, 2017,11AM -1PM EET (UTC+2)

05. Organize coordination meetings

1. Kick off meeting
2. 2nd project meeting in Budapest
3. 3rd project meeting in Athens
4. 4th project meeting in Alcala

06. Άσκηση Πολιτικής Προστασίας

Άσκηση Πολιτικής Προστασίας στο ΙΤΕ για την αντιμετώπιση μαζικών καταστροφών

07. WORKSHOP ‘’Use of SDSS and MCDA to prepare for disasters or plan for multiple hazards’’

5th of December 2017, the Final Workshop/Conference, named “Use of SDSS and MCDA to prepare for disasters or plan for multiple hazards’’


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