
Geoview Systems Szamitastechnikai Kft

Geoview Systems Szamitastechnikai Kft

Name of the organisation: Geoview Systems Ltd.

Name and contact details of a representative: Judit Domolki
[email protected]
tel: +36203681895

Short overview of the organisation with specific reference to their role in disaster management:

Geoview Systems Ltd. is an information technology company, established from domestic capital, which has been functioning successfully for more than 20 years. Geoview Systems Ltd. is well known, by its high level services and its research and development activities. It has been functioning according to ISO 9001 record since 2003.

At the beginning, our company was almost exclusively specialized in development activities, while by now we are involved in large scale IT projects as well. Our successful IT R&D projects have been realized from European Union subsidies and contributed to create our professional concept, and to expand our range of activities. During the last few years we have widened the range of our products and services.
Geoview Systems Ltd. has been working on the field of disaster management in cooperation with professional institutions, and has developed and implemented the following applications:

  • Operation Management System
  • Operative Action Command System for industrial fire services (OACS)
  • Practice-oriented training for standby rescue teams (eLearning-based solution)
  • Groundwater Flooding Information System

GWS will contribute to the modeling of fires, floods and industrial accidents in Hungary. In addition, they will design, conduct and evaluate a TTX in Hungary with support from National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of the Interior (NDGDM).

Foreseen level of engagement in the project: (direct involvement, participation in meetings and events, only to receive information, etc): Participation in meetings and events